
Council Election 14th Sept 2024 - Roseville and Gordon Wards

That time is fast approaching where we head off to the local school or church hall and cast our vote in the NSW Local Government elections.  Saturday 14 September 2024

And of course……….. have a Democracy Sausage! 🌭

To initiate and advance the Lindfield Village Hub, Support Lindfield has been deeply involved in the Ku-ring-gai Council. Like most community endeavours it's a 12-year tale of the good, the bad and the ugly. Like any company/community board or committee our Council needs committed, skilled and experienced councillors to serve in the interest of all stakeholders/ratepayers.

Here are a few things to look at:

A community focus and leadership attributes are key to being able to achieve real outcomes. In any political environment collaboration skills are respected and vital.

Support Lindfield encourages you to look at all the candidates but is highlighting a few that are worthy of consideration in Roseville and Gordon Wards:


Roseville Ward

Sam NgaI

Group A



Indu Balachandran

Indu Balachandran

Group F

Sarah Winn

Sarah Winn

Group G

Simon Lennon

Simon Lennon

Group C

Roseville and Gordon Wards are where most of our database reside and the main area that the Lindfield Village Hub would service. It’s hard to make an informed judgement, so we have provided links to their websites, Facebook and LinkedIn profiles. Of course it's your decision.  Happy voting… and enjoy the democracy sausage.

The Support Lindfield Team

Kur-ring-gai Council Election Results

Yesterday the election results for all Ku-ring-gai Wards were finalised after the preferences were distributed. The results are as follows:

Roseville Ward

Sam Ngai - who won his seat in a landslide!
Alec Taylor - a newcomer who polled very well and knocked the former Mayor out of the race.

Gordon Ward

Barbara Ward
Simon Lennon
Both Barbara and Simon are new to Council.

Comenarra Ward

Jeff Pettett - seasoned Councillor
Greg Taylor - newcomer

St.Ives Ward

Christine Kay
Martin Smith

Both Christine and Martin are now into their 2nd term

Wahroonga Ward

Cedric Spencer - second term for Cedric
Kim Wheatley - newcomer


We are confident that this Council will be much more cohesive and community focussed than the previous term Council and will provide much needed leadership. We look forward to working with them more successfully and collaboratively and expect smooth sailing ahead for the Lindfield Village Hub.

Thank you to those of you who generously donated funds so we could mount an extensive and effective campaign. We raised over $9,000 and spent every $1 of it on the campaign. We believe it was well worth it. Thank you also to those of you who helped hand out flyers and/or did your own campaign around your neighbourhood to help our preferred candidates get elected. Or those who helped in any other way.

We will continue to work in your interests to get the Hub built as soon as possible and with everything the community has told us for years what they want.

BIG THANKS!! Elections postponed to 4 December

Firstly, a BIG THANK YOU to members and supporters who donated to our election campaign kitty. You donated a total of $7,385 which is just fantastic! That will allow us to mount a very effective campaign to support candidates who demonstrate the ability to make much needed change in Ku-ring-gai Council.

Yesterday, Shelley Hancock, Minister for Local Government, announced that the Local Government elections will be postponed to 4 December to allow for a safer environment for the community as well as a fairer contest for candidates. We are delighted with this decision as likely Covid restrictions would result in restricting campaign activity by candidates and community groups like us, and create an unfair advantage for some candidates, particularly the new ones. We will continue the process we have started to identify new candidates who we will endorse, however at a more leisurely pace. We will also continue to agitate for progress on the Hub as there is no reason for Council staff to put down their pencils.

Our Support Lindfield committee is getting a little strapped for time and some talent. We would like to identify someone who has journalist skills and experience, who could help us write press releases/articles for the local/daily papers, and possibly assist with messages to our database. If you have these skills and have a little time to help out can you please contact us at info@supportlindfield.net.

And, of course, we're always pleased to hear from our supporters about any of the work we're doing for the community. I'm pleased to say that a few people have contacted us during our donation campaign and expressed an interest in learning more. Keep it up!


The Support Lindfield Team




We need your donation to reach our target and support our campaign to elect strong and community focused Councillors. We're over half way there!

You can donate in one of three ways;

  • EFT to our bank account BSB 633 000 account no. 147 440 192 name Support Lindfield Inc (Your reference first name + last name)

  • or click on this link DONATE to pay by secure credit card or Paypal.

Donation Thermometer

Why do we need change?
Your Council has spent $9 million over 9 years on the Lindfield Village Hub project and achieved nothing, zero, zilch.

Support Lindfield is run by a small group of dedicated locals with limited resources. Your donation will help us drive change to get the Hub built.

Your donation will help fund a community campaign to make the Lindfield Village Hub a core issue in the Council election on 4th September.

Along with other community groups we are identifying a group of candidates (including some existing Councillors who have supported the project) who are seriously up for the job and focused on delivering outcomes for the community.

Your donation will be used to design/print/distribute flyers and posters and Facebook promotions.

Thank you.

We could use your talents
If you have skills and experience in communications, marketing, advertising campaigns, and graphic design or are just good at getting things done, then put your hand up. We need your professional help with the community campaign in the coming election. Contact us at info@supportlindfield.net

And please pass this along to your local friends and neighbours.

Here’s a reminder of the Lindfield Village Hub journey….. or read the full timeline here

In 2012 Support Lindfield approached the then Transport Minister Gladys Berejiklian who put a hold on plans to build a multi-storey commuter carpark behind the West Lindfield shops to allow time for a better project to be conceived. The Community worked together to create a vision for the Lindfield Village Hub that included a town square, library, other community facilities, café precinct, specialty retail and supermarket.

Woolworths put forward several proposals to build the project, like those they have delivered for other Sydney Councils. They would fund the building of the Hub in return for a lease on the supermarket space with Council funding limited to fitting out the community facilities using funds generated from the sale of the current library site. No additional Council/ratepayers money would be required.

Council rejected these offers and instead have pursued an expensive consultant-led process to identify requirements and determine an alternate design. Despite an exhaustive tender process Woolworths is effectively the only development group still interested and Council remains unwilling to commit to starting the project. The amount spent on the project to date equates to around $3300 per Lindfield household.

We need a Council committed and capable of serving the community by overseeing appropriate planning policy and the development and revitalisation of shopping precincts and community facilities.

Support Lindfield will endorse candidates in all Ku-ring-gai Council wards who will commit to making the Hub happen. We welcome collaboration with other community groups in Ku-ring-gai who also see the need for change. Email us at info@supportlindfield.net if you are interested in standing in the 2021 Council elections or working with us for change.

The Support Lindfield Team
