
Progress on the Coles Lindfield site

Coles closing poster

68 of the 69 apartments in the new Coles Lindfield development sold out in just 3 days, so construction is moving ahead! There were 1500 enquiries and only 59 apartments in this development, which bodes well for the Lindfield Village Hub development next door.

Given this success, the posters have gone up at Coles Lindfield to announce that the final day of trading will be Sunday 1st May 2022 at 8pm.

Construction on phase 2 of the development will commence in July. It is not known how long construction will take, but the result will be a new Coles that is double the size of the current offering!

Coles Lindfield development underway

“Building a better store starts here” banners up around Coles Lindfield

“Building a better store starts here” banners up around Coles Lindfield

The Coles Lindfield development is now underway! As reported earlier, Coles Lindfield has had a 2 part DA approved for apartments and a greatly increased floorspace supermarket approved. They have now begun at least Stage 1A which represents the first half of the DA.

Stage 1A diagram as per DA0197/18

Stage 1A diagram as per DA0197/18

The primary purpose of Stage 1A is to create a new roadway into the site, to give access to the school and in future become the primary access to the upper carpark of the new development. Confusingly, this stage doesn’t actually connect that roadway to anything. Instead, Stage 1B is a very small stage to connect this new roadway to Balfour St and the former end of Balfour Lane. Stage 2 is then the actual supermarket redevelopment.

The compromise is that a number of parking spaces have now been lost from the site, which won’t be replaced until the entire development is completed. The asphalt has already been ripped up over the last few days. This is not ideal given the Village Green carpark is yet to be finished, but given lockdown the demand for commuter parking is certainly lower than normal and so shouldn’t be a problem.

It remains to be seen if Stage 2 of the development quickly follows Stage 1 or not. Here’s hoping it does and it’s all completed before the Village Hub starts - of course it will!

Coles Lindfield Redevelopment

Coles Redevelopment - View from corner of Pacific Highway and Balfour St

Coles Lindfield is currently located on the corner of the Pacific Highway and 1 Balfour Street Lindfield. In May 2018 they appealed their development application in order to take it to the Sydney North Planning Panel. In August 2019 their appeal was determined to be successful, and so the development will go ahead. We wanted to capture the summary of the information for the residents of Lindfield.

The development will commence in 2 phases. The first phase will see the construction of a new Balfour Lane adjacent to the school boundary in order to guarantee access to the Holy Family School and Church. The second phase will involve the demolition of the Coles site, carpark and old Balfour Lane, with the exception of a heritage building and electrical substation. This will create a large construction area for the new development.

The new development will contain double the number of carpark spaces, 249 retail parking spaces over 2 levels and 73 residential parking spaces. The new supermarket will also be approximately double the size of the current store; ~4500m2 in total floor area, retaining Liqourland and adding a cafe. The development will also include 70 new (very small) apartments above the supermarket.

Balfour Lane view of Coles redevelopment

The building height is roughly 5-6 stories plus rooftop plant, which is below the height of the Village Hub proposal. There will be two carpark entrances, one roughly at the original Balfour Lane location into LG2 and one on the western boundary (access road built in phase 1 as mentioned) that connects to LG1.

There is currently no start date for construction that we are aware of, although we hope it doesn’t clash with the Village Green and Hub construction dates as that would make parking and access to supermarkets very difficult in Lindfield.