A few of us attended the Council meeting on Tuesday evening in person. It was a nail-biting experience as the debate over funding from the current library site went around in a few circles for an hour and a half. The outcome was as follows:
A. Council authorises the General Manager to undertake exclusive negotiations with Proponent A, with the objective of refining their proposal and agreeing the terms of a PDA
B. A report be brought to Council on the outcome of the negotiations, which if successful may result in Council resolving at a future meeting to execute a PDA with Proponent A.
C. The required proceeds from the future sale of the existing Lindfield Library will be quarantined and dedicated to the Lindfield Village Hub project.
For the Resolution: The Mayor, Councillor Pettett, Councillors Kay, Ngai, Smith, Spencer, A. Taylor, G. Taylor, Ward and Wheatley
Against the Resolution: Councillor Lennon
At least the Council Officers can now move to the next stage.
There will likely be little action that Support Lindfield can take for the next few months so if there is silence from us, that will be the reason.
FYI we're still looking for a Secretary to join the Committee. If you're interested, please contact info@supportlindfield.net. It's a good time to join since there won't be much work for awhile!
The Support Lindfield Team