Ku-ring-gai Housing Strategy - Support Lindfield's Response
Dear Residents
You may recall Support Lindfield recently undertook a survey about the Ku-ring-gai Draft Housing Strategy. Indeed, you may have responded to it and if you did, thank you for doing so.
While our main focus is on the Lindfield Village Hub, we got involved with the Housing Strategy as we had concerns that it would affect the Hub project, and building height in particular. The highlights of the survey results are:
· Distribution was targeted to Lindfield, Roseville and Killara residents and focused on the Housing Strategy scenarios of the Lindfield town centre
· 253 respondents – Council’s survey attracted the same number from all of Ku-ring-gai.
· Long term residents dominated the responses
· The 4th scenario that SupportLindfield presented had a 62% first choice rating
· Support Lindfield’s scenario is greater housing diversity and more gentle density increase across Lindfield and neighbouring suburbs with maximum 7 storey buildings concentrated around the station.
The slide pack with the full report is at this link.
Councillors will be voting on the Officers’ recommendations for the Draft Housing Strategy this coming Tuesday. The agenda item GB3 and report is at this link if you’re interested in reading it. Item GB4 deals with the implementation plan if GB3 is approved as per the Officers’ recommendations.
Support Lindfield has serious concerns about the new housing targets that underpin the Housing Strategy. And we consider, along with many others, that the community consultation was totally inadequate. Three of our committee members submitted video clips with our results and concerns to all Councillors and recommended that they not approve the Officers’ recommendations. The video clips are 3 minutes each and are in order. Click on the names below.
3. Rachel Watts
The proposed resolution is at this link. You can watch the live streamed Council meeting on Tuesday 28th at 7.00pm at this link.
This is a lot of information to take in. However, the future of our lovely suburbs is at stake and we have tried to bring the shortcomings of the Council’s process to the attention of the community and let you have a say.
As always, we’re happy to hear from you at info@supportlindfield.net. And please ask your local friends and neighbours to sign up to our database on our website at https://supportlindfield.net/take-action
The Support Lindfield Team